99 Days to go
Thus we successfully completed 1% job. Yesterday (10-06-2008) is a milestone in the history of SUMMIT 08. The proposal has been accepted by the Principal. It was a big one of about 35 pages. He went through that and commented that we must add the faculties' full name. That's a suggestion and he told us that he would forward the same for official notification.
Biju sir was very supportive, he signed and forwarded the proposal as soon as we approached him. The NRI admissions for 2008-09 were also going on in the college. Ajithsen sir gave us application for financial assistance forwarded. But we couldn't submit it to the Principal, as the file has yet not been opened.
We saw one of the executives of DELL today very accidentally and they informed us that DELL has opened an outlet in Kerala at Ernakulam. Actually, many guys were not taking laptops because there were no service centres in Kerala. Now, a solution has turned up. Many are gonna take laps soon and we are maintaining the relationship with that executive, Mr. Ramesh, for the sponsorship regards. We request you if any one of you or any friends of you are interested to take laptops, kindly contact either Arjun(9946865464) or Arunanand(9995153416) first, and let's go through SUMMIT channel, which, we suppose, will add to our sponsorship possibilities.
ATM, Rahul and Jofin went to Ernakulam today, to meet Mr. K.J. They are very happy that Mr. K.J has given them lots and lots of advice in all respect. Thanks to K.J
The executive has asked the Committee heads to collect and submit the contacts of the members of their group, but no response has been received yet. We would like to remind you about this now. Kindly do it before 11th of June, 5 P.M.
Campion meeting was also taking place at the College Canteen today after noon. We came to know that the date has been fixed.
You can download some important files here:
Final Proposal accepted by the Principal on 10-06-2008: Click Here
Final Committee list in: Click Here
Agenda for the meeting of Committee and Event heads on 09-06-2008: Click Here
(Those who were absent in the meeting, kindly go through the instructions)

(Inauguration of SUMMIT 05)
Answers to yesterday's Questions
Question 1: The Answer is 1.
Explanation: The operator "less than" (Sorry, we are unable to put the symbol of this here) works as a boolean, resulting either 1 or 0. x(less than)y results to 1 and then 1(less than)z also results to 1. then the whole result is 1.
Question 2: No Answer.
Explanation: This problem is known as Fermat's Last Problem, which remained unsolved for years and at last Andrew Wiles of Princeton University gave a proof. Pierrie De Fermat was a mathematician who always used to writing proofs for his theorems in the margin of his notebook. Once he wrote this theorem and noted that there's no enough space in the margin to write the proof. This caused the 'problem' for other Mathematicians for about 335 years. The equation specified here is known as Diophantine Equation. You can have more details about this at:
Today's Question
Question 1
Which of the following can be used to find the firt occurance of a given string in another string?
B) strrchr()
C) strstr()
D) strnset()
Question 2
Substitute the Question mark(?) with appropriate digits from 0-9, once using exactly once.
? ? ? +
? ? ?
? ? ?
P.S: Kindly do not refer to Internet. Try to find out the answers by yourselves. Then only you can develop your abilities. Thank you for your interest to yesterday's question.
r v planning ny unifrm???
I think the answers are:
1. strchr()
2. I'm not sure whether dis one's
3 4 1 +
5 2 9
8 7 0
2) 5 9 3+
2 7 1
8 6 4
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