Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Another post, after a long period
Sunday, June 15, 2008
On the right line and length
Hi all,
we are so excited these days because we believe everything is going in the right track. Got all the appointments which were expected. Today we gave a presentation about summit to the parents immediately after the PTA meeting. Arjun, Rahul, Sanoop, Akhil and Anoop were in charge of that. Presentation was only meant to give an overview about the event to them. This was intended because we thought this presentation can be fruitful in the days to come.
Another discussion was about the Video Conferencing. G.C 's Suggestion was to conduct it in YMCA hall. Some of us supported conducting it in the college auditorium. At any cost this event is decided to give maximum exposure it can. Next week is fixed for a trial run of conference. No one is worried about the technical side because we have world class video conferencing equipment available in the college fully automated and with high end features and everything it need !
"... Risk less life is the biggest risk in life... "
Today's Google Service
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Try Google Code
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Ernakulam trip - Fruitful
Hi all,
Today, a small team including Arjun, Arunanand, Sanoop, Susanna and Ansha went to Ernakulam. Our first aim was to arrange a workshop for SUMMIT. Shaun chettan really took pains for helping us. He took an appointment for us, waited for about 2 hours for us and came with us. We had a small meeting with the In-charge of workshop and workshop is arranged whose details will be announced later. Thank you so much for Shaun chettan for his dedicated and selfless work and support he has given us. He is also helping us in the arrangement of NDLP(Nationally Distinguished Lecturer Program). He said that he will talk to Mr.S.Gopakumar, National Coordinator, NDLP, India Council, Kerala Section(IEEE). In this context, we think it is essential to tell that ACV Sir of our college was the first person to talk to Gopakumar sir and that to on his on will. Thanks to him too.
The approximate expense of different print-outs like Posters, Brochures, Fluxes etc. is collected. The prices climbed a little above our expectations, but we wont be compromising on the quality of any.
The next agenda was a meeting with SWADESHI SCIENCE MOVEMENT (whose office is situated in Sastra Bhavan,4B Block,Mather square,opposite North railway station,Kochi. This meeting may be considered as the greatest leap for SUMMIT08 till now. The meeting was a very new and wonderful experience for all of us. They whole heartedly extended their help in arranging seminars, inviting resource persons etc.. Thanks to Jayettan, Arjunettan, Shanojettan and all the others working for the movement. The contact to SWADESHI MOVEMENT was provided by Ansha, whose brother also works for the same. Thanks a bunch to Ansha and her brother.
SWADESHI MOVEMENT:http://www.blogger.com/www.ssmkerala.org
Meeting is going on...
A little of fun too in between...
Jayettan-He is a gem...
So today's trip to Ernakulam was a very fruitful one...
Today's Question
Question 1
Find errors if any,
char str[10]
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thanks to Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet
98 Days to go
There is a happy news for you all... Ms. Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, a great French Lady working on GRID networking has agreed to co-operate with us for video conferencing. This is achieved mainly by the effort of our G.C: Mr. Arjun R. Pillai; hats-off to him. Her details can be had from the following URL:
(For those who don't know French, kindly use http://www.google.co.in/language_tools?hl=en . It's the language tool provided by Google. (Some of us are not aware of most of the common services given by Google. From today onwards, we will introduce to you some of the common services given by Google. Hope you all willl enjoy it)
She has asked us to provide her collaborator with the technical details of the conference. ATM is working on it with the great suggestions from K.J. Most probably, a demo conference will be conducted in the next week itself, with any one of the local host.
We are all happy that our very first endeavour in finding the speakers is a success. And tomorrow, a group of students are going to Ernakulam, to have some discussions with a great guy there, to have some great resource persons(This contact was given by Ansha V Thomas of S5-B; thanks to her). Tomorrow's agenda includes visiting Energid (thanks to Shaun chettan) and some printing institutes.
Today Arjun and Arunanand had a long session with our Principal. They had about 5 requests with them. Seeing them all, the Principal couldn't help giving lots of advice, as usual, we would say. But the fact is that, whatever suggestions he gives will be of higher professional and organizational values. He's really a supportive Principal, and it's known to only those who knows him well. ANd he's given us permission to present before the parents about SUMMIT 08 for 15 minutes at the end of PTA forum formation in our college on 14th of this month. There's no decision regarding the Office room for SUMMIT yet. We have no free rooms left in the college. Such one left is supposed to be given to PRODDEC. However, we too are strongly trying for one. It's a well-known fact that we can't work without an office room.
But, he's asked us to do everything in some preset manner or channel. What he said is, if we need to get something done, the studnet in charge of that should give it in writing to the staff concerned and should be forwarded through that staff itself. We also think that that's the correct professional way to do things, but unfortunately, we are running in short of time and it's impossible to find the student as well as the staff in charges for the time being is a very very tedious task. That we have to speak to Mr. Ajithsen soon.
The informal contacts and letters for Dr. APJ are being performed. And we expect a positive result in the near future itself.
Today, Mr. K.J asked us to send the cash needed for registering the domain name. And now the domain is registered and the website is supposed to be hosted by the end of the next week. Toms has almost completed the registration works. Hats-off to him.
It's very sad to see that the heads of the committees are working somewhat irresponsible, we would indeed emphasize, except a few. Actually, there are about 30 heads and only 15 were present in the meeting conducted last day. Other people couldn't attend the meeting due to some technical reasons. But most of those who were present in the meeting have not worked out the plan. The meeting had asked them just to collect the contacts with Phone number and Email ID of the members of his/her committee. But SUMMIT is very sad and annoyed to see that only: Jithesh, Nithin Sam Oommen, John Paul, Sajeesh, Cerene and Sandeep have done it to date. Thanks to them, especially to Sandeep for the work done in a systematic and professional manner.
Today, the Principal asked us to give him a rough draft of what we expect from him as an 'Intro' in the corporate brochure. We had asked him to write one, but he asked us to do it and give it to him for necessary corrections. We were happy to see his positive response and we think it's necessary to specify Ms. Adheena Alex' name for preparing a highly professional and formal draft for the same.
And our seniors are helping us in all means. Especially, Mr. K.J, Mr. Githin, Mr. J.K, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Alan Haggai, Mr. Sooraj C.G, etc. This list is not complete. (Sorry if we missed anyone)
Answers to yesterday's Questions
Question 1: The answer is strstr()
Question 2: No answer.
Explanation: The question itself is illogical. Because there's only 9 places to be filled and 10 digits which must be used exactly once, which is so impossible.
Today's Question
Question 1
Which will be the correct output for the program module given below:
void main()
char str[]="peace";
char *s=str;
A) peace
B) eace
C) ace
D) ce
Question 2
How many squares are there in a chess board?
Today's Google Service
Google Notebook: Suppose you are browsing through the net. And if there is a tool like notepad which helps you to note down certain small small, but important things very easily. Then here's the solution: Google notebooks. Just go to the following link and download the Notebook browser extension and surf on.... What all you have to do is, just right click on the text or page you want to note down, and just click on "note this". Simple,but useful..... That will be stored to your Google account and you can sort them and what not.....!!!
URL: http://www.google.com/notebook/?hl=en
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Ha... Planning is Ok... 1% SUMMIT is complete
Thus we successfully completed 1% job. Yesterday (10-06-2008) is a milestone in the history of SUMMIT 08. The proposal has been accepted by the Principal. It was a big one of about 35 pages. He went through that and commented that we must add the faculties' full name. That's a suggestion and he told us that he would forward the same for official notification.
Biju sir was very supportive, he signed and forwarded the proposal as soon as we approached him. The NRI admissions for 2008-09 were also going on in the college. Ajithsen sir gave us application for financial assistance forwarded. But we couldn't submit it to the Principal, as the file has yet not been opened.
We saw one of the executives of DELL today very accidentally and they informed us that DELL has opened an outlet in Kerala at Ernakulam. Actually, many guys were not taking laptops because there were no service centres in Kerala. Now, a solution has turned up. Many are gonna take laps soon and we are maintaining the relationship with that executive, Mr. Ramesh, for the sponsorship regards. We request you if any one of you or any friends of you are interested to take laptops, kindly contact either Arjun(9946865464) or Arunanand(9995153416) first, and let's go through SUMMIT channel, which, we suppose, will add to our sponsorship possibilities.
ATM, Rahul and Jofin went to Ernakulam today, to meet Mr. K.J. They are very happy that Mr. K.J has given them lots and lots of advice in all respect. Thanks to K.J
The executive has asked the Committee heads to collect and submit the contacts of the members of their group, but no response has been received yet. We would like to remind you about this now. Kindly do it before 11th of June, 5 P.M.
Campion meeting was also taking place at the College Canteen today after noon. We came to know that the date has been fixed.
You can download some important files here:
Final Proposal accepted by the Principal on 10-06-2008: Click Here
Final Committee list in: Click Here
Agenda for the meeting of Committee and Event heads on 09-06-2008: Click Here
(Those who were absent in the meeting, kindly go through the instructions)

Answers to yesterday's Questions
Question 1: The Answer is 1.
Explanation: The operator "less than" (Sorry, we are unable to put the symbol of this here) works as a boolean, resulting either 1 or 0. x(less than)y results to 1 and then 1(less than)z also results to 1. then the whole result is 1.
Question 2: No Answer.
Explanation: This problem is known as Fermat's Last Problem, which remained unsolved for years and at last Andrew Wiles of Princeton University gave a proof. Pierrie De Fermat was a mathematician who always used to writing proofs for his theorems in the margin of his notebook. Once he wrote this theorem and noted that there's no enough space in the margin to write the proof. This caused the 'problem' for other Mathematicians for about 335 years. The equation specified here is known as Diophantine Equation. You can have more details about this at:
Today's Question
Question 1
Which of the following can be used to find the firt occurance of a given string in another string?
B) strrchr()
C) strstr()
D) strnset()
Question 2
Substitute the Question mark(?) with appropriate digits from 0-9, once using exactly once.
? ? ? +
? ? ?
? ? ?
P.S: Kindly do not refer to Internet. Try to find out the answers by yourselves. Then only you can develop your abilities. Thank you for your interest to yesterday's question.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Final Proposal here
As we have asked Mr. K.J about the website, he has agreed to give us the space required free of charge. And we will only require to register the domain name. We are gonna register http://www.cecsummit.org for 3 years as well as http://www.cecsummit.com for one year. We are thinking of redirecting from the latter to the former and using the former as our official URL. All are request to pervade the former URL among wherever possible. We suppose, the site will be launched within 1 week. Toms, Jofin, ATM, Rahul etc are working on it for last few days and they are very professional in it. Hats off to them and SUMMIT 08 thanks them too. Special thanks to our beloved K.J.
Our G.C, Arjun's friend Mr. Nithin Shah(he says it's through an IEEE contact) has offered to provide us with a free SMS gateway(provided by "way2servers") for SUMMIT 08. The procedure is as follows:
The students seeking registration for SUMMIT 08 for any event may send an sms SUMMIT08 to 562635 and then they will receive a message showing "Thank you for registering. One of our team members will contact you soon". This will help, we believe, our registration procedure simpler and easier. All students of CEC are requested not to send messages now, as this is meant for the participants registering for events during SUMMIT.
From today onwards, we are thinking of including a set of selected questions which you would find interesting as well as challenging in an engineer's view(the idea has been put forward by Mr. Renjith Antony of CEC First batch; thanks to him for the wholehearted support). We think it'll be helpful for you for your campus interview also. Go through them and see how much you are upto. The answers to a particular day's question will be published the very next day, and all are requested to try out the problems and write your answers as comment to the respective post.
Today's Question
Question 1
Which of the following is the output of the C program module given below:
void main()
int x=10,y=20,z=5,i;
i=x(less than)y(less than)z;
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Committee List prepared
Also, as we approached Mr. Anoop K.J, he suggested that we may use .org instead of .com for the official web site. Also, he suggests www.cecsummit.org and not to include 08 as the same domain can be used for all the SUMMITs in future too. All are requested to comment their suggestions.
You can download a copy of the Committee and Event Manager list submitted to the college:
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Proposals accepted by word
Here's a presentation of SUMMIT 08 we presented before the staffs:

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Theme Music by Our Great Freddie
Today is a day of a new leap for us in the endeavour SUMMIT 08. The theme music we have been waiting for is born to the best and the fullest. No one else deserves the credit and appreciation except, indeed, our incredible musician Freddie of S4-C. Oh! really great - a great Scottish blend. I don't have enough words to explain it. Freddie... hearty congrats to you and thanks a lot. you have doen a great job!!!
All of you can have the theme music of SUMMIT 08 here:
You may embed this music in your web pages using the code below:
We request all of you to download the music, enjoy and pervade it to wherever possible. Our final Motto and Logo will also be out within two days, we suppose. Let's rockkkkkk on........